Spring 2025
Vrille Corporation
Frequently asked questions
What is the purpose of incorporation?
Vrille owns a majority ownership stake up to 81% in its subsidiaries, creating revenue for shareholders who have invested with Vrille. We are looking for ways to improve the social wellbeing within individuals to increase public compliance in Pro-Earth Policies (Green Agendas).
What are the advantages of investing with a parent company?
Parent companies offer investors and stakeholders additional liability support as well as consolidated tax returns, reducing additional taxes to increase your return.
Why center a company around Sustainable Agendas?
Vrille’s Founding Principles are ways to innovate future success, just because our solar sun will die one day – does not mean the spark of humanity will fade with it. Until humans can leave planet Earth; it is our home, and we must protect it at all costs.
What type of investment options are available?
Class A Voting Stock, contact us for more information.
Floods Networking Inc.
Frequently asked questions
When will Floods be available?
Summer of the 2026 year on schedule
Can I invest with Floods?
Yes, through our crowdfunding efforts.
Why did Vrille invest in Floods?
Floods Networking meets all criteria of our partnerships program.
How does Floods relate to Vrille?
Vrille owns an 81% stake in Floods Networking Inc.
Vrille Corporation
The Social Wellness Company